Thursday, April 06, 2006

Michelina's Lean Gourmet Five Cheese Lasagna

Frozen meals can be really hit or miss -- especially Italian foods that depend on a good marinara sauce, when many commercially prepared marinaras leave a lot to be desired. But when I found Michelina's Lean Gourmet Five Cheese Lasanga on sale for $0.99, I decided to take a chance, and even though it sat in my freezer for a month before I got up the courage to try it, I'm ever so glad I finally did! While the marinara sauce on it wasn't exactly STUPENDOUS (somewhat reminisicent of Chef Boyardee, which I happened to like as a kid), it was definitely tasty and the blend of cheeses in the lasagna was also very very good. The portion size was small enough that I wished there was more, but large enough that I was satisfied. At 230 calories and 6 grams of fat (no trans fats) for a good piece of lasagna, you can bet I'll be stocking up on this one next time they're on sale, and maybe even giving a few other of Michelina's products a try!

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